NSW Oztag Subscription Fee
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are we implementing a new subscription fee?
The subscription fee will provide ongoing investment into the game for the benefit of all stakeholders as the Game continues to grow. Investment from the subscription fee will included resources for the Associations, branding and social media support, the referee Thank You program, referee and coaching accreditation portals and support, development clinics and pathways.
The introduction of this subscription fee aligns with similar changes across sports, where governing bodies seek to create a more sustainable financial model and ensure that participants have the necessary support and protection while playing.
How much are membership fees and who pays them?
All participants will pay $15.00 a year annual subscription, this fee includes GST. This equates to approximately $1.25 per game if playing in one team for one season.
How do I pay my subscription?
The payment process is completely online via the Assemble platform and is payable the first time a participant registers into a competition after 1st December each year.
I’ve never registered online before; how do I do that?
You will need to create an Assemble account (if you don’t yet have one). Instructions on how to do this can be found here.
What happens if I register and play in multiple competitions within the same season/year?
The membership is an annual subscription running from 1st December – 30th November each year.
During this 12-month period, a player can register and play in as many competitions as they choose.
Please keep in mind that you will still need to pay local competition fees for each of these competitions.
If I have paid my subscription and stop playing, will I get a refund?
Regardless of how many games you have played once you have registered and paid your subscription through Assemble you will not be eligible for a refund.
How will I know when I need to pay the subscription again?
Your subscription expires on 30th November each year. When you register into your first competition after 1st December your membership will be due again.
Can I use Active Kids Vouchers to pay for my subscription?
No, Active Kids Vouchers cannot be used to pay for your subscription component at this stage.
Active Kids Vouchers can still be used for your local competition expenses.
Can I pay my annual subscription and local competition fees in the same transaction?
Yes, your annual subscription can be paid along with your competition fees in one single transaction.
Do referees or coaches need to pay?
Referees and officials may be required to register via Assemble, but there is no cost.
If you play and referee or coach, you will also have to register into Assemble to join a team, and will be subject to the annual subscription fee as a player.
What happens if Associations let players participate that have not paid their subscription fee?
Anyone that takes the field without being a member is uninsured. If an Association is found to be knowingly allowing non-members to play they may be held liable in the event of injury.
The updated Operations Guide will require all players to pay the Annual Subsciption fee be considered a member. The guide will also require all Associations to be using the Assemble platform as a prerequisite for retaining their affiliation to Australian Oztag.
We have local sponsors, committee members or life members that do not pay to play. Do they need to be a member?
Yes, the national membership is applicable to all participants.
Any benefits to local sponsors, committee members, life members or others can be applied to local competition fees at each competition’s discretion.
What are the benefits of the new subscription?
Exclusive membership benefits include discounts & offers through our commercial partners including NRL & Oztag Equipment Supplies. Additionally, the subscription fee helps ensure that Oztag remains accessible and well organised to the standard upheld by Australian Oztag with continued support for associations, referees, players & coaches.