NSW Junior City Vs Country Late Registration & Uniform

by | May 18, 2020 | NSW Oztag

With the recent news that the 2020 NSW Junior City Vs Country tournament, to be held at Thomas Dalton Park, Fairy Meadow has been tentatively postponed to Sunday, the 2nd of August, we’ve now re-opened registration.

This is due to the new date, meaning some players can now not make the tournament due to other commitments and alternate players have been drafted into the squad. Therefore, registration has re-opened to allow for late registrations and for players that are needing to purchase a uniform.

Please make sure to complete the registration and uniform requirements ASAP if this is applicable to you as the deadline to register is by close of business on Friday, the 22nd of May. To complete the registration process, click here.

Keep in mind that we cannot predict what is happening with the COVID-19 pandemic. If in the event we are not able to run the tournament in August, it will be moved to November (Date & Venue TBC).