With Winter competitions underway, Australian Oztag staff members have begun visiting associations to say hi and oversee the COVID Safety guidelines in place.
On Wednesday July 22, Australian Oztag (AO) staff visited Newcastle Oztag to check in and assess how they are running their competitions under the current climate.
NSW General Manager, Luke Manahan, said Newcastle Oztag’s implementation of the COVID Safety guidelines was A+.
“Newcastle Oztag Licensees, Jo and Brett Howard have done a fantastic job in making sure all policies and guidelines have been strictly followed,” he said.
When the pandemic first hit and community sport came to a halt, Newcastle Oztag was busy organising their Autumn competition, which they unfortunately had to cancel.
When the NSW Government gave the all clear to resume play from July 1, Jo told ABC Newcastle that it took a lot of hard work to get up and running again.
The association worked closely with their local council to put together an appropriate Safety Plan that aligned with that of Australian Oztag
“Get in, play, get out – is our motto”, Jo told ABC Newcastle.
Luke said that upon inspecting Newcastle Oztag competitions, there were no spectators, no physical sign ons and there was a break between games to allow for players to clear before the next game.
“One strategy Newcastle Oztag have implemented is having a COVID Safety officer standing in a 10x10m area at half way during each game,” he said.
The COVID Officer’s role is to verbally sign on players, ensure social distancing on the side line and sanitize the ball, as well as players hands during each break.
These Newcastle Oztag COVID Officers are volunteers, willing to brave the cold weather in order to enforce strict protocol and ensure the health and safety of all.
“The best part was seeing the community back out on the field and enjoying the game in the safest way possible,” Manahan said.
Australian Oztag are thrilled to be back and congratulate everyone for their compliance with regulations.

Photo: Jo & Brett Howard, picture with daughter, Rhiannon.