NSW Junior City v Country Details Released

by | Jul 17, 2020 | NSW Oztag

The 2020 NSW Junior City v Country Tournament will be held on Sunday 2nd August at a REVISED VENUE: Collegians Sporting Complex (147 The Avenue Figtree) and Sid Parish Park (2 Avalon Terrace Figtree), Wollongong. Please note, these venues are separate, however next to each other.

Due to the current circumstances, the following information MUST be thoroughly read and understood by all.


The draw has been formulated to comply with the COVID-19 Government policies surrounding community sport and public gathering. Age groups have been assigned to a set venue and session (morning or afternoon), therefore, all attending must adhere to the scheduled arrival times and exit the fields straight after the conclusion of their last game.
The draw will be available online and via the Sport Fix app.

DRAW – Collegians Sporting Complex
DRAW – Sid Parish Park


There is a large fence that divides the two venues, so please park on your allocated side as outlined in the VENUE/FIELD MAP.

Tournament Covid Safety Plan

Please carefully read the COVID SAFETY PLAN and familiarise yourself with the protocol in place. There must only be one parent in attendance and they must be included on the Registration form. There will be COVID Safety Officers present to ensure everyone complies with our Safety Plan.

There is great uncertainty in the current situation, therefore Australian Oztag urge any coaches, managers or players that feel unwell or have been in contact with a case to not attend. We cannot be complacent and must protect the health and safety of the community.

High Performance Academy Selection

Once again, we will be selecting the most talented 13-15-year-old players from this tournament for our inaugural 2020 HPA. We will be selecting from the 14 and 15-year age groups.


For further information, such as Conditions of Entry and Registration forms, please visit our website.

Please note, ALL Team Registration Forms must be completely filled out and emailed to luke@oztag.com.au by Thursday 30th July.