NSW Oztag proudly support the 2020 Shoosh for Kids Campaign

by | Aug 7, 2020 | NSW Oztag

NSW Oztag are proud to announce our partnership with the Office of Sport and other State Sporting Organisations in the 2020 ‘Shoosh For Kids’ campaign.

The program strives to promote positive sideline behaviour to members, clubs and associations to ensure sport is a fun, positive and safe experience for kids.

The general rule remains, if you haven’t got anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

NSW Oztag take a strong stance on poor spectator behavior and encourage our grassroots to implement the same message all season long. We work to create positive, fun environments so that kids continue to enjoy their participation in Oztag.

According to the NSW Office of Sport, the campaign works to address issues which arise from poor behaviour including:

  • Abuse to officials
  • Reduced volunteer numbers
  • Reduced participation rates (due to poor experiences/non-enjoyment/too competitive)

Usually there is an awareness week held early in the sports season, however due to the current circumstance, clubs and associations have the option to promote the ‘Shoosh for Kids’ message at their own convenience.

Shoosh for Kids Resources can be downloaded by associations and used to promote the importance of positive behaviour at junior sport, all year round.

Before a game begins, kids and officials ‘shoosh’ the crowd to remind spectators to keep their comments positive. If inappropriate behaviour is being displayed after this, the participants and officials stop, turn to the audience and ‘shoosh’ them.

Let’s show respect to officials and kids by keeping our comments positive.

Visit the Office of Sport website to find out more.
#shooshforkids | sport.nsw.gov.au