Oztag Northern Beaches Sydney

by | Jun 19, 2020 | Latest News

As the only official entity to conduct Oztag on the Northern Beaches, Oztag Northern Beaches Sydney is excited to announce it is now taking registrations of interest for its winter competitions to commence in July 2020.

It is looking to run competitions across various days and locations within the Northern Beaches to make the sport easily accessible for its participants.

Whether your reasons for participating are purely social or you have the desire to represent the Northern Beaches at State Cups and further, we cater to both at all age levels and genders.

To register your interest as a player, referee or sponsor, please email phil@oztag.com.au

To keep up to date with all the latest developments and news you can follow us on social media via:

* Northern Beaches Oztag Facebook page
* Northern Beaches Oztag Instagram

Also, Parents keep a look out for Northern Beaches Primary & Secondary School Gala Day dates as they will be announced shortly.

NOTE: Manly Eagle Tag is not affiliated with Oztag and are not allowed to play the rules of Oztag. Any player not participating in an official Oztag competition will not be able to play in any representative tournaments of Oztag i.e. State Cup, Nationals, City V Country or World Cup