Thank you Oztag Community for Supporting the Brecards

by | Jun 11, 2019 | Latest News

Last week we found out that popular Newcastle Oztag referee, Jerome Brecard had been diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer. To read the article, click here.

Jerome has a young family with a beautiful wife and two kids, Remy (3 years) and Maddox (9 months). The family are doing it really tough right now and the Oztag community has got behind the family to help them out in their time of need.

He is a fighter and he’s been undergoing intense chemotherapy. He is unable to work, his wife can’t work at the moment due to being his full time carer and they’ve got medical bills to pay.

The Oztag community have helped contribute to the $62,174 currently raised via the Facebook benefit page but the target is $80,000. To make a donation via this page, click here.

Newcastle Oztag were taking donations at the carpark of both the Junior and Senior City Vs Country tournaments on the weekend, with the Oztag community contributing another $716.40 so we’d like to give a big thank you to everyone who has contributed to the family thus far!

Newcastle Oztag will also be holding a fundraising evening at the Sunnyside Tavern in Broadmeadow on Friday, the 21st of June. To view the Facebook event, click here.

Local media:

Newcastle HeraldJerome Brecard determined to beat Stage IV bowel cancer as Hunter community rallies to support the young family
Triple M NewcastleBenefit for the Brecard’s – Tanya & Steve