NSW Oztag Return to Community Sport UPDATE

by | Sep 29, 2021 | Latest News, Media Release, NSW Oztag

AO General Manager, Bill Harrigan has released a statement following the NSW Government’s recent announcement on the return to community sport at 80% double vaccinations.

Hi Everyone,

Great news is Oztag will be back in 2021.

After the NSW Government announcement on Monday, what we do know is this:

Community sport will return after we hit 80% double vaccinations in the community of 16 years of age and above (mid to late October).

We know it is only for double vaxxed people until the 1st of December. This will include parents and spectators only attending if double dosed. From the 1st, all can participate & attend.

We must abide by the one person per 2 square metres or capped at 5000 people if the venue is big enough.

There has been no mention of the ages allowed to return, only that we can return when double vaxed hits 80% of the people 16 and above.

So the questioned is asked, can under 16’s play without being double vaxed? We have asked the question and waiting on confirmation.

I read it as over 16 must be double vaxed and under 16 don’t but can return. TBC

Therefore Oztag associations are gearing up to return to play for Summer 21/22.

You will need to search your local associations social media or website for details on when they will start and their registration protocols.

You can find websites via oztag.com.au & search locations.

We will continue to update detail as we are informed.


Bill Harrigan
AO General Manager